Thursday, August 2, 2007

Find A Man in The Picture

Carefully look at the picture below and try to find a man in it.

If you find a man in 3 seconds then your right brain is more sharp than normal people.
If you find him in 1 minute then your right brain is developed normally.
If you find him in 1-3 minutes then your brain is slow in reacting and if you take greater than 3 minutes then your right brain is extremely slow.

Find a man
One thing is sure there really is a man in there

Found on A Rising Tide

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Each Googler Makes $431,861.80 for Google

Each Googler Makes $431,861.80 for Google

TechBeef dug into the financial statements of some top companies and found quite interesting results(may not be precise) in different segments. But the chart shown below caught my attention.

As you can see in the chart that each Google employee makes $431,891.80 for Google. That's really an incredible amount. That's the reason why Google pays so much attention towards its employees.

Though Microsoft is way ahead of Google in terms of profit, it's no where near to Google as far as profit per each employee is considered.

Picture Courtesy : Techbeef

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