Monday, December 10, 2007

Page Rank

Many of the bloggers or WEBSITE ownere try there best to improve their page rank.
In this post i am providing the basic information about
the page rank that a person should know.

The image which you are seeing is an example of the webpage or a website or blog which has achieved a page rank 6 out of 10. To download the google toolbar just go to and type for google toolbar software which can be downloaded for absolutely free of cost.

It is supposed that this scale from 0 to 10 is a logarithmic curve: for example, it is much more difficult to make your PageRank going up from 5 to 6 than from 4 to 5.

After you have installed the software, the important things to note about is

No green bar appears : Your PageRank is zero.This may be because your site may be unknown to google or your site may not possess good or as google says Rich Content.

So if you have good content in your blog or site try to post it to Dmoz or yahoo, and also submit it to search engines which is the most important measure.

A bar appears, But the page was not found in Google.

If the is like this your page may be new page and still it was not founded by google robot what google people say.So to improve your pagerank just submit your site to google directory or other directories.