Thursday, December 13, 2007

Windows media player classic allows you to create the pictures of thumbnails of a movie in a single image.The image given below demonstrates it.Open a movie or video in media player classic.And take the file option and then take the save thumbnails you can manage as many thumbnails you need.The above thumbnails are of movie Rangde Basanti

Download Windows Media Player Classic

Monday, December 10, 2007

Split or Divide Or Seperate the files using theWinrar Compression Software

This technique might be familiar to most people.This post helps you in splitting a big file to small parts.For example if a file is too big,you might not be able to write it to a CD or DVD(A normal CD can only contain 700 MB),what happens if your file is 800 MB? This Technique will help you

First of all you must have the latest version of Winrar You can download winrar from the link given below

Download Winrar

After downloading winrar, follow these steps

Step 2

In the new window ,as given in the figure,you will see the file size to which your file should be splitted

Step 3

The zip 100 option wil split the file to parts with 98 mb(Approximately)
CD 700 will split to 700 MB select your choice and press ok

Hope this information might be helpful to you.Feedbacks are always appreciated


This is a software named Sothink Swf decomplier
which allows you to extract your favorite flash animations from a websites.After installing the sothink swf decompiler to your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox,You can extract the flash(SWF) file from a website in just a single click.The sothink swf decompiler appears on your IE tool bar and you can save your favorite flash movies in a single click.

Download Sothink swf decompiler

Google Search is an ART!

I am damn sure to tell you that the Google Searching is an ART.One who has better ideas and is well aware of the topic he is going to search can do a Successful Search.For Example last day i saw a film. I didnt know the name of one sub actress in that film.What i did is i just searched the name of the film and therby i got the Cast of the film.And i saw the name of actress.This is common to all.But by applying this short short techniques can result in a successful search.Steb by step analysis to a search leads to victory.Another example is that even if we dont know about a topic,we can obtain the exact results we need,by doing the exact steb by step analysis.

It might be an irony that Peoples who know everything about a topic sometimes might not get the exact results which they are Searching for.So Google Search is also an ART!

Earn Money From Widget Bucks

WidgetBucks is the latest name in Ads.This time i should agree with their caption "Ads Suck,Our's Dont. I agree with them because of their High Payouts and High cpm.Also the money can be transfered to Paypal.

Merits Of WidgetBucks

  • Self-service, scalable and relevant content that's free and easy to publish
  • Dynamic, contextual widgets act as content (vs. ads) that more effectively targets your users, not the masses
  • Extensive reporting tools and daily updates; Payouts are monthly
  • Complements existing programs, such as Google AdSense
  • Over 300 configurations, 256 color schemes and formatted for major IAB standard sizes
  • Dynamic Ad Yield Management matches the best merchant for each product while offering consumers the best price
  • MerchSense (patent pending) contextual algorithm automatically targets the right products for your site
  • High cpm and Payouts WidgetBucks have $3-$6 CPM while normal ads have $2 cpm
  • There is a general saying(Not so Sure about this)that Signing Up in WidgetBucks can give a bonus of 25$ to your account
  • Money can be transfered to your PayPal account.
  • Manual configuration also available by category
  • Product listings from 30,000 merchants including trusted leading brands
DeMerits Of WidgetBucks
  • Have the same demerit of Adsense,Holds the money for 1 month and a minimum Payout of 100$
  • The Crawling System is not so strong as Adsense.In adsense we get ADS relevant to our Website.But here we can't see a variety of fields in ADS.Also the same ads come again and again.
  • Money only for Clicks,not for impressions.
I think these demerits are not a big problem. If you have a good Blog,you will surely earn from WidgetBucks,Another online Money making Source

Sign up in Widget Bucks

Ultra Hard Materials


Diamond is the hardest material known to every one. But with most applications such as drilling diamonds must be replaced after each use which will be more expensive.

Scientists at UCLA have created a low-cost material that rivals diamonds strength called the rhenim diboride which has been made from a relatively low-cost material osmium with rhenium , a fairly dense soft material that is next to osmium on periodic table . Richard B.Kaner a UCLA professor of inorganic chemistry and materials science and engineering says his team made the material ULTRA-INCOMPRESSIBLE (resistant to shape-deformation-a necessary condition for hardness) by finding metals that all already incompressible and working to harden them. The scientist have tested the metals properties by heating it in a furnace to achieve a powder (upper right) and bonding it through arc-melting(right). The material can be used for oil drills, scratch resistant coatings for precision instruments or computer cases and watch faces.

Tricks Related to Css

Tricks Related To CSS

There are different ways of substituting css instead of an image in a website or a blog, one way is using the CSS TO SUBSTITUTE AN IMAGE is an effective way for developing sites efficiently , You may ask me the use of this procedure, it saves time and bandwidth, but also allows more flexibility when adjusting designs.

By using a border technique, we can create the effect of diagonal lines with some simple code.

Here’s what we want to achieve:

First we’ll create the box, in html, for the header and the diagonal line to sit in:

Diagonal Lines in CSS

Next we’ll give the box a width, ensuring the border is kept small:

.box {
text-align:right;/*move the text to the right*/

Finally we’ll create the diagonal effect by creating two borders:

.box h1 {
border-left:10px solid #fff; /*same as page colour*/
border-bottom:10px solid #000; /*black, bottom, border*/
color:#000; /*black text*/}

While the left border is still there, the appearance of invisibility is created by using the same colour as the background.

The below image demonstrates the actual outline of the invisible border.

The explanation of this effect is when the black, bottom, border pushes against the invisible (white) border, the the diagonal edge is created.

Browser compatibility
You maybe wondering why we can’t use the colour ‘transparent’ on the left-border, instead of white, so that the background colour or image, would show through. Unfortunately ‘transparent’ inherits the black, ‘color:#000;’ property, in Internet explorer.

Also another display problem will occur, with IE5/win, if the box or header doesn’t have a width. The simple fix is to give the header a layout value (haslayout) by using the holly hack to specify a height, as shown below.

/* For IE5-Win Hides from IE5-mac */
 html .box h1 {height: 1%;}
/* End hide from IE5-mac */

A few extra notes
If a limited width box isn’t used and you only want the border to expand the width of the heading, add to the ‘h1′ element ‘ display:inline;’.

There you have it; and here’s another diagonal border example to give you an idea of what not to do.

Page Rank

Many of the bloggers or WEBSITE ownere try there best to improve their page rank.
In this post i am providing the basic information about
the page rank that a person should know.

The image which you are seeing is an example of the webpage or a website or blog which has achieved a page rank 6 out of 10. To download the google toolbar just go to and type for google toolbar software which can be downloaded for absolutely free of cost.

It is supposed that this scale from 0 to 10 is a logarithmic curve: for example, it is much more difficult to make your PageRank going up from 5 to 6 than from 4 to 5.

After you have installed the software, the important things to note about is

No green bar appears : Your PageRank is zero.This may be because your site may be unknown to google or your site may not possess good or as google says Rich Content.

So if you have good content in your blog or site try to post it to Dmoz or yahoo, and also submit it to search engines which is the most important measure.

A bar appears, But the page was not found in Google.

If the is like this your page may be new page and still it was not founded by google robot what google people say.So to improve your pagerank just submit your site to google directory or other directories.

Open Source In Washington

Open Source in Washington

U.S federal Agencies are adopting open-source software for space flights, military operations and more.

A STEADY stream of budget cuts has left some to question the future of NASA’s space programs, but the NASA is confident that the open source software could help the organizations needs.

Recently NASA released cosmoscode , a new open source software project that enlists volunteers to help create code for space missions. The announcement signaled the government’s growing reliance on open-source technology.

The space agency has released 20 open-source applications under the NASA Open Source Agreement , including Livingstone2 , a reusable artificial -intelligence software system that lets a space craft operate with minimal human oversight even if its hardware failures.

As said by BRIGADIER GENERAL NICKOLAS JUSTICE at an open-source technology conference in Arlington, Virginia “Open-source software connects and enables our command and controls system to work effectively”

FIGURE: NASA’s open-source application called the World-Wind

Nokia Phone Codes

There are a number of NOKIA phone codes which we don’t know them at all

, some of them even don’t know that these phone codes exist.

Here are some of the nokia codes; It is not my real work I found them across

The net while I was browsing the internet. I haven’t tried all of them, If

Any one has any more codes don’t hesitate to add them to my comments box.

I will try to rectify them .

Phone codes for Nokia

These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones,

however we accept no responsibility of any kind for damage

done to your phone whilst trying these codes.

Code Function

*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%

#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line: Software Version, 2nd Line: Software Release Date, 3rd Line: Compression Type

*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work

*#06# for checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (Use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (Use the "*" button to obtain the "p, w" and "+" symbols)

#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (Use the "*" button to obtain the "p, w" and "+" symbols)

#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

*#147# this lets you know who called you last (Only Vodafone)

*#1471# last call (Only Vodafone)

*#21# allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

*#2640# Displays security code in use

*#30# lets you see the private number

*#43# allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

*#61# allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

*#62# allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to

*#67# allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

*#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330

*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

*#746025625# (or: *#SIM0CLOCK#) Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible

*#7760# Manufactures code

*#7780# Restore factory settings

*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

*#92702689# (or: *#WAR0ANTY#) Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again

*#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

**21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

**61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered

**67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

12345 This is the default security code

Press and hold # lets you switch between lines

Motorola Secret Phone Codes

I dont need to give any introduction to MOTOROLA because it’s one of the biggest cellphore manufacturer company in the world So here are some of the SECRECT CODES RELATED TO THE MOTOROLA CELL PHONES.

If you think that some more codes or tips relad please don’t hesitate to add them to my comments.


If any of the codes is not working properly feel free to post a comment ,I will try to rectify it.

Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.
Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):
[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []
Add phonebook to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []
Add messages to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []
Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []
Eng Field options (main menu):
[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []
Slow (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []
Medium (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []
Fast (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []
Enable EFR:
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []
Function :
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []
Change pin:
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []
Unblocking using the "puk" number:
[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []
There are lots of similar codes exist. If you change the last number to 0 you can deactivate that code. The 3 digit number at the middle is from 0 to 999. I put the most interesting codes. (EFR): Enhanced Full Rate Codec.
You can change GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the engineering model. Following the below steps:
enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menu
under "Opcode"
input 10*0*3 for GSM 900
10*0*4 for GSM 1800
10*0*5 for GSM 1900
10*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/1800
10*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900
To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press 50 and 1 64 1 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested)

MICROSOFT Surface computing

MICROSOFT is one of the biggest company in the world owned by BILL GATES the richest person in the world the . Till now it has launched many resources and advanced technologies which every one knows like the WINDOWS VISTA operating system. The newest inventions of MICROSOFT include the MICROSOFT surface computing.

First commercially available surface computer from Microsoft breaks down barriers and provides effortless interaction with information using touch, natural gestures and physical objects.

It is a surface computer that can recognize physical objects from a paintbrush to a cell phone and allows hands-on, direct control of content such as photos, music and maps.

Today at the Wall Street Journal’s D: All Things Digital conference, Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer will unveil Microsoft Surface™, the first in a new category of surface computing products from Microsoft that breaks down traditional barriers between people and technology. Surface turns an ordinary tabletop into a vibrant, dynamic surface that provides effortless interaction with all forms of digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical objects. Beginning at the end of this year, consumers will be able to interact with Surface in hotels, retail establishments, restaurants and public entertainment venues.

The intuitive user interface works without a traditional mouse or keyboard, allowing people to interact with content and information on their own or collaboratively with their friends and families, just like in the real world. Surface is a 30-inch display in a table-like form factor that small groups can use at the same time. From digital finger painting to a virtual concierge, Surface brings natural interaction to the digital world in a new and exciting way. “With Surface, we are creating more intuitive ways for people to interact with technology,” Ballmer said. “We see this as a multibillion dollar category, and we envision a time when surface computing technologies will be pervasive, from tabletops and counters to the hallway mirror. Surface is the first step in realizing that vision.”

The Human Touch

Microsoft Surface puts people in control of their experiences with technology, making everyday tasks entertaining, enjoyable and efficient. Imagine ordering a beverage during a meal with just the tap of a finger. Imagine quickly browsing through music and dragging favorite songs onto a personal playlist by moving a finger across the screen. Imagine creating and sending a personal postcard of vacation pictures instantly to friends and family, while still wearing flip-flops.

Surface also features the ability to recognize physical objects that have identification tags similar to bar codes. This means that when a customer simply sets a wine glass on the surface of a table, a restaurant could provide them with information about the wine they’re ordering, pictures of the vineyard it came from and suggested food pairings tailored to that evening’s menu. The experience could become completely immersive, letting users access information on the wine-growing region and even look at recommended hotels and plan a trip without leaving the table.

Surface computing at Microsoft is an outgrowth of a collaborative effort between the Microsoft Hardware and Microsoft Research teams, which were struck by the opportunity to create technology that would bridge the physical and virtual worlds. What started as a high-level concept grew into a prototype and evolved to today’s market-ready product that will transform the way people shop, dine, entertain and live. It’s a major advancement that moves beyond the traditional user interface to a more natural way of interacting with information. Surface computing, which Microsoft has been working on for a number of years, features four key attributes:

Direct interaction. Users can actually “grab” digital information with their hands, interacting with content by touch and gesture, without the use of a mouse or keyboard.

Multi-touch. Surface computing recognizes many points of contact simultaneously, not just from one finger like a typical touch-screen, but up to dozens of items at once.

Multi-user. The horizontal form factor makes it easy for several people to gather around surface computers together, providing a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience.

Object recognition. Users can place physical objects on the surface to trigger different types of digital responses, including the transfer of digital content.

Surface Puts People in Control

Surface will be shipped to partners with a portfolio of basic applications, including photos, music and virtual concierge applications that can be customized to provide their customers with unique experiences. Harrah’s Entertainment Inc., Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., and T-Mobile USA Inc. will be some of the first companies to provide unique Surface experiences for their customers. These first partners are exploring a variety of avenues for Surface, which may include the following:

Harrah’s Entertainment. Guests at Harrah’s Entertainment’s Las Vegas properties, including Caesars Palace and the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, can explore the wide variety of dining, entertainment, night life and gaming experiences available at its network of area casinos. Using the interactive virtual concierge in Microsoft Surface, guests can reserve tickets to an Elton John concert, review the menu at chic eatery Bradley Odgen, take a tour of the world-famous PURE nightclub, book a luxurious spa treatment or redeem Total Rewards loyalty program credits for a broad range of merchandise. The virtual concierge can directly connect users to amenities available at any of Harrah’s seven Las Vegas casinos, allowing guests to “visit” multiple venues and plan their itineraries without ever getting up from their table. “When visitors to Las Vegas choose to stay at one of our casinos, they can enjoy the amenities at all of them,” said Tim Stanley, Harrah’s chief information officer and senior vice president of innovation, gaming and IT. “Microsoft Surface is a great way to help our guests get the most out of their trips to Las Vegas by putting all the offerings and experiences we make available at their fingertips.”

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. (NYSE: HOT) will initially launch Surface at Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Starwood’s largest and most global brand. Surface will help bring interaction, connectivity and play to Sheraton hotels’ new lobby experience, currently being rolled out in key cities worldwide. To provide guests with greater service, unique experiences and entertainment, Sheraton embraced Surface as a key component of its lobby transformation. Surface will enable guests to browse and listen to music, create their own playlists, send photos home, download books, and even order food and drinks — all with the drop of a credit card or their Starwood Preferred Guest loyalty card. “We are creating new and engaging ways for our guests to connect with their passions while away from home. Microsoft Surface puts us at the forefront of technology and allows guests to interact with each other and our hotel in a revolutionary way,” said Hoyt H. Harper II, senior vice president for Sheraton.

T-Mobile USA. Customers in T-Mobile retail stores might place different cell phones on Surface’s interactive surface where product features, prices and phone plans would appear so they could be easily compared. “We are continuously working to build the greatest retail experience we can for our customers,” said Bonita Inza, vice president of Retail at T-Mobile USA. “They tell us they want more information about our products and services, but in a way that is easily accessible, at their own pace and with the amount of detail that they prefer. Surface is one example of how we’re turning our stores into a playground where customers can comfortably explore exciting new products in their own personal way.”

Surface will also be made available through a distribution and development agreement with IGT (International Game Technology NYSE: IGT), a global company specializing in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution and sales of computerized gaming machines and systems products.

“Consumers now have an entirely new way to get the information they need, turning their everyday tasks into enjoyable and engaging experiences,” said Pete Thompson, general manager of Microsoft Surface Computing. “There are hundreds of thousands of restaurants, hotels and retail locations that are looking to give their customers the unique and memorable experiences that Surface will provide. In turn, companies have a new opportunity for generating additional revenue streams and increasing retail traffic.”

About Microsoft Surface Computing

Microsoft Surface Computing brings to life a whole new way to interact with information that engages the senses, improves collaboration and empowers consumers. By utilizing the best combination of connected software, services and hardware, Microsoft is at the forefront of developing surface computing products that push computing boundaries, deliver new experiences that break down barriers between users and technology, and provide new opportunities for companies to engage with people. More information can be found at

Converting PowerPoint files to Flash Using the PPT_FLA Template

Converting PowerPoint files to Flash Using the PPT_FLA Template

To do this first thing you have to do is to

Download the PPT_FLA Flash Template file and print these instructions to convert

PowerPoint presentations to Flash .swf files in a few easy steps.

What you need: PowerPoint and Flash MX software.

What you need to know: Rudimentary Flash skills… if you have never used Flash, go to the Help menu and select Tutorials. Choose the Introduction option.

Warning: PowerPoint transitions and animations are not reproduced in Flash. If you are an experienced Flash developer, you can use this template as a starting place and add Flash animations to the presentation.

Step 1: Save your PowerPoint slides as graphics.

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Under the File menu and select Save As….
  3. Under Save As Type… select PNG, Portable Network Graphics Format.
  4. Click Save.
  5. You will be asked if you want to export every slide or only the current slide. Click Every Slide.
  6. Note the location where your images are saved.
  7. Quit PowerPoint.

Step 2: Import Slides into PPT_FLA file.

  1. Open the PPT_FLA file.
  2. Go to the File menu and select Save As….
  3. Save the file under a new name. (This is to leave the original file as is for future use.)
    Note: For best results, use only alphanumeric file names (letters and numbers) with no spaces or special characters except for underlines ( _ ). Your .html and .swf files will have the same filenames by default as your .fla file, and if these are transferred to a web server you will have limitations on the possible file names.
  4. In the Timeline, select (click) the first frame in the Slides layer.
  5. Go to the File menu and select Import….
  6. Locate the first image in the folder of slide images created by PowerPoint and click Open.
  7. You will be asked if you want to import all the images as a sequence. Click Yes.
  8. It may take several seconds for this action to complete. Be patient. When it is completed, you will see that the Slides layer has been filled in with your slides.
  9. Note the last frame filled on the Slides layer. Click in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Slide Num layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or go to the Insert menu and select Frame.
  10. Note the last frame filled on the Slide Num layer. Click in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Hot Area layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or go to the Insert menu and select Frame.
  11. Note the last frame filled on the Hot Area layer. Click in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Buttons layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or go to the Insert menu and select Frame.
12. If you have followed these directions correctly, your timeline will look something like this (depending on the number of frames):

If this looks correct, save your file and continue to the next step.

Note: You may need to change the color of the buttons and slide number to be visible against your background. You can change the color of the buttons by unlocking the Buttons layer, selecting all of the buttons, and going to the Color: menu on the Properties window. Change the slide number by unlocking the Slide Num layer, selecting the object, and selecting the color from the fill selector on the Properties window or on the Tools window.

Step 3. Publish Your Presentation

  1. Go to the File menu and select Preview: HTML to preview your presentation.
  2. Go to the File menu and select Publish if you think it looks OK.
  3. Locate the .html and .swf files that were created in the previous action. Transfer these to your WebCT site or other website.

Convert a pdf format file into a word, excel, powerpoint,html,text

Many people try to CONVERT THE PDF file by copying the text or
images that they want by using right click options which appear like
copy,paste which is a time consuming process.

When you want to convert a

pdf format file into a word, excel, powerpoint,html,text

You have a better option , just download a copy of able to extract 4.0

and start converting.

It has many different features and it is easy to convert .

The first thing you have to do is to open a pdf file you want to convert


Select the area you want to convert

After selecting press the desired format to which you want to convert the pdf file into, as such now I have selected the word format

After selecting I have converted the word file which was transformed into

The advantage of using this software is that it directly converts the required
format into a better way like MICROSOFT WORD.