Converting PowerPoint files to Flash Using the PPT_FLA Template
Converting PowerPoint files to Flash Using the PPT_FLA Template
To do this first thing you have to do is to
Download the PPT_FLA Flash Template file and print these instructions to convert
PowerPoint presentations to Flash .swf files in a few easy steps.
What you need: PowerPoint and Flash MX software.
What you need to know: Rudimentary Flash skills… if you have never used Flash, go to the Help menu and select Tutorials. Choose the Introduction option.
Warning: PowerPoint transitions and animations are not reproduced in Flash. If you are an experienced Flash developer, you can use this template as a starting place and add Flash animations to the presentation.
Step 1: Save your PowerPoint slides as graphics.
- Open your PowerPoint presentation.
- Under the File menu and select Save As….
- Under Save As Type… select PNG, Portable Network Graphics Format.
- Click Save.
- You will be asked if you want to export every slide or only the current slide. Click Every Slide.
- Note the location where your images are saved.
- Quit PowerPoint.
Step 2: Import Slides into PPT_FLA file.
- Open the PPT_FLA file.
- Go to the File menu and select Save As….
- Save the file under a new name. (This is to leave the original file as is for future use.)
Note: For best results, use only alphanumeric file names (letters and numbers) with no spaces or special characters except for underlines ( _ ). Your .html and .swf files will have the same filenames by default as your .fla file, and if these are transferred to a web server you will have limitations on the possible file names. - In the Timeline, select (click) the first frame in the Slides layer.
- Go to the File menu and select Import….
- Locate the first image in the folder of slide images created by PowerPoint and click Open.
- You will be asked if you want to import all the images as a sequence. Click Yes.
- It may take several seconds for this action to complete. Be patient. When it is completed, you will see that the Slides layer has been filled in with your slides.
- Note the last frame filled on the Slides layer. Click in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Slide Num layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or go to the Insert menu and select Frame.
- Note the last frame filled on the Slide Num layer. Click in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Hot Area layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or go to the Insert menu and select Frame.
- Note the last frame filled on the Hot Area layer. Click in the frame immediately above this frame (on the Buttons layer). Touch the [F5] key on your keyboard, or go to the Insert menu and select Frame.
If this looks correct, save your file and continue to the next step.
Note: You may need to change the color of the buttons and slide number to be visible against your background. You can change the color of the buttons by unlocking the Buttons layer, selecting all of the buttons, and going to the Color: menu on the Properties window. Change the slide number by unlocking the Slide Num layer, selecting the object, and selecting the color from the fill selector on the Properties window or on the Tools window.
Step 3. Publish Your Presentation
- Go to the File menu and select Preview: HTML to preview your presentation.
- Go to the File menu and select Publish if you think it looks OK.
- Locate the .html and .swf files that were created in the previous action. Transfer these to your WebCT site or other website.
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