Check If Your ISP provider is servicing you with correct bill
Every Internet user looks out for a better plan which can suffice his need for surfing. So many plans, so many choices…
But do you ever track what you paid was right ? I found this great tool which is free and I had been testing it for a day and it’s really awesome.
Bitemeter II is a bandwidth and Internet connection speed monitoring utility which ensures you get speed and bandwidth as promised my your ISP and you do not exceed your monthly limit.
Features :
1. A remote web interface through which you can monitor your connection speed anywhere on the network using any browser.
2.ISP restriction. This feature can be used if you have a data upload and download limit.It automatically triggers and alarm before some percent(which can be set by you) and lets you make sure you don’t exceed the data limit.
3.A bandwidth calculator which allows you to calculate how much time will be taken to download a particular size, depending on your bandwidth.
Now you can find out correctly whether your ISP is charging you correctly or now. Moreover you can keep an eye on the network, if it is shared and you can see when its being used.
If you have any questions, anything which is wrong or something you find not mentioned feel free to leave a comment. I would be glad to know more about it from your experience. So what are you waiting for, download it and tell me what’s your experience!
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